Because I had a radius server ready with a group and secret present, was more easy for me if I can acomplish to have some linux machines to authenticate clients via the same radius server. Looks like it was not that easy that I was thinking. I tried multiple options like this and this but I failed.
Digging online, I found a solution and a workaround and I think it make sense to share this here. A very old unsupported application shared a way how to authenticate using a radius server (freeradius as a example).
It is possible to authenticate using the Radius Authentication protocol by a Radius server.
Make sure you install the following PAM to RADIUS authentication module that should be available in any debian/ubuntu distribution. It allows any Linux, OSX or Solaris machine to become a RADIUS client for authentication and password change requests. You will need to supply your own RADIUS server to perform the actual authentication.
apt-get install libpam-radius-auth
I would love to see another module available as a package but unfortunately needs to be clone and compile. ibnss_ato module is a set of C library extensions which allows to map every nss request for unknown user to a single predefined user. Basically is used to map your RADIUS authenticated users onto a locally provisioned user.
To do that you need to clone the github repository, make sure you have git installed or you can install it with:
apt-get install git
Then you can do this:
~# git clone
Cloning into 'libnss-ato'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 164, done.
remote: Total 164 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 164
Receiving objects: 100% (164/164), 31.91 KiB | 1.28 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (78/78), done.
~# cd libnss-ato/
~# make
gcc -fPIC -Wall -shared -o -Wl,-soname, libnss_ato.c
make gcc libnss_ato_test.c -o libnss_ato_test
~# make install
# remeber /lib/ ->
/usr/bin/install -m 644 ""/lib/
/usr/bin/install -m 644 libnss-ato.3 ""/usr/share/man/man3
cd ""/lib && ln -fs
Add radius and secret to the configuration file:
nano /etc/pam_radius_auth.conf
Make sure you remove all other servers and at the end add the radius servers. If you have only one, just add only one. secret_key_for_the_first 5 secret_key_for_the_second 5
Create a file configuration for libnss-ato:
nano /etc/libnss-ato.conf
and paste this:
The PAM configuration file for the sshd and login processes are found at /etc/pam.d/sshd
and /etc/pam.d/login
Add this line on the top of both files:
auth sufficient
The NSS configuration file is found at /etc/nsswitch.conf
. The top three entries in this file will look as follows:
passwd: compat ato
group: compat
shadow: compat ato
To test if authentication works, open another session and from cli run:
tail -f /var/log/auth.log
After you are logged in using your radius account, you ca run:
This has been tested on a Raspberry Pi 4 using:
~# cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="11 (bullseye)"
2 comments On ssh radius authentication as a client for Linux
Hi M-r Paulierco. Your article helped me set up 2fa client, without libnss-ato module I had to create a local account for each AD user.
Thank you very much – now everything works fine. But still one question remain: now I must enter password and OTP key together, I want first enter my account password and after that I want the system ask me to enter OTP key. May be you know what changes must be done in PAM files?
Hi, thank you for writing this up. We use this for managing access to a fleet of Debian servers without having to maintain local user accounts.
You mentioned it would be great to see this as a package instead of clone and compile. In my case, I didn’t mind compiling once, but I wanted a deb package to distribute to all the servers. This is how I create the deb:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install build-essential debhelper
git clone
cd libnss-ato
sed -i ‘/DH_COMPAT.*/d’ debian/rules
fakeroot debian/rules binary