OpenWrt to Meraki MR33

As i got this for free from Cisco and i had to get rid of the firmware and license, OpenWRT is what we actually need.

Step1. Open the case.
Step2. You need a UART serial console. For this i used Raspberry Pi 4. Pins and how to can be found online, just google it.
Step3. Once you are connected, you need pre-flash using UART serial.
Step4. After pre-flashing is done, AP is listening for a TFTP device from where to download rest of the firmware.
Step5. I used TFTPD32 for this, very easy to send the firmware. Just to make sure your server is configured to

Source1. Source2.

6 comments On OpenWrt to Meraki MR33

  • Hi,

    I believe this works only with some old versions of firmware? Is there any chance for more detailed instructions?

  • I would also love a little more detail in your instructions. Like where you hooked up the UART on the Raspberry.

  • Not working also how can we downgrade in order to flash the openwrt firmware?

  • how to get the doggone case apart?? the grey plastic cover interlocks with an aluminum plate. what is holding the aluminum??

  • Do not attempt this if you have U-boot 2017.07 installed – very likely as the device auto-updates it whenever possible.
    Touching U-boot through serial console WILL BRICK THE DEVICE INSTANTLY AND PERMANENTLY.
    In such case, U-boot downgrade is needed either through JTAG or NAND-Flash programmer.

  • This ship has sailed. The only way to flash these things now is via expensive and problematic EEPROM reprogramming

    Expect to spend $100 US and even then it may not work

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