As i got this for free from Cisco and i had to get rid of the firmware and license, OpenWRT is what we actually need.
Step1. Open the case.
Step2. You need a UART serial console. For this i used Raspberry Pi 4. Pins and how to can be found online, just google it.
Step3. Once you are connected, you need pre-flash using UART serial.
Step4. After pre-flashing is done, AP is listening for a TFTP device from where to download rest of the firmware.
Step5. I used TFTPD32 for this, very easy to send the firmware. Just to make sure your server is configured to

6 comments On OpenWrt to Meraki MR33
I believe this works only with some old versions of firmware? Is there any chance for more detailed instructions?
I would also love a little more detail in your instructions. Like where you hooked up the UART on the Raspberry.
Not working also how can we downgrade in order to flash the openwrt firmware?
how to get the doggone case apart?? the grey plastic cover interlocks with an aluminum plate. what is holding the aluminum??
Do not attempt this if you have U-boot 2017.07 installed – very likely as the device auto-updates it whenever possible.
Touching U-boot through serial console WILL BRICK THE DEVICE INSTANTLY AND PERMANENTLY.
In such case, U-boot downgrade is needed either through JTAG or NAND-Flash programmer.
This ship has sailed. The only way to flash these things now is via expensive and problematic EEPROM reprogramming
Expect to spend $100 US and even then it may not work
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